Power-suits and Roses

Inspired by the charm personified by the two most powerful and wise women in the current political world, I followed the track of events that brought them together. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Aung San Suu Kyi bring a distinguished grace and beauty to every picture that captures them together. The unquestionable adulation that Hillary Clinton carries for Burma’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, is easily identified in her approving eyes and welcoming stance she portrays in every picture taken with Aung.

Hillary Clinton & Aung San Suu Kyi

Rich Image: Power of Signature Syling

1st December 2011 marks the coming together of these two icons of self-confidence and effortless poise. Hillary Clinton dined with the Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, forcefully underscoring a U.S. challenge to Myanmar’s leaders on her historic visit to Burma. During the visit, Clinton called Suu Kyi a personal inspiration, and her first meeting with the Nobel peace laureate was a highlight of her visit to Burma. (source: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57334433/sec-clinton-meets-aung-san-suu-kyi-in-burma/)

Aung and Hillary above, during their first meeting present an almost similar profile and inclination – yet totally different personal styles. The ivory white of their clothes and their taste for delicate jewelry, almost make us believe there was a natural friend-to-friend call before the meeting about ‘what should we wear tonite’. The poise, the wisdom, the political acumen is well evident from the influential image that they present here for the world. But their personal styles make them two individual headstrong woman of power.

The feminine loveliness of Aung with fresh flowers and delicate detailing on her very formal blouse – embodies the Burmese culture and her love for her nation; yet it supports her steely grip for  democracy…a brave decision to showcase her womanly side without fearing the contrast it will create with her sturdy advancement to achieve democracy for her fellow countrymen.  Hillary Rodham Clinton, another obstinate woman, who even after being repeatedly criticized for her pantsuits, has stuck to the style she loves – the Oscar de la Renta power-suits remain her staple and she stays loyal to her ‘pearls’. The use of pearls here wrapped around her ponytail, add a distinctive freshness.Hillary & Aung - Elegance Personified

 The above picture taken during their final meeting as Hillary wrapped up her Burma visit again brings out their loyalty to their personal styles and their admiration for each other; two women fighting their own battles and holding their ground firmly in completely different worlds. Aung San Suu Kyi represents everything beautiful, fresh and feminine (even in her late sixties) – Hillary portrays well-being  power and graceful style even in her much criticized power-suits. Hillary’s necklace and Aung’s peacock brooch with her appealing flowers – make a strong statement, almost as strong as the possessor.United States Institute of Peace

 The Secretary of State for United States and the Burmese Nobel Peace Laureate met again at the United States Institute of Peace and the pictures that splashed over the news channels were yet again a marvel to look at. Aung San resplendent in her colorful traditional dress, topped with a very formal yet fun red blazer, presented a beautiful picture of elegance along with her pristine pink roses and the scarf. She personifies her vigor for life, beauty and harmony.  To some extent I wish here that Hillary would have made a slight more effort for newness. I completely respect her penchant for pant suits but there is so much more she can experiment with, maybe Aung can inspire her on the scales of personal style as well.

But as stated by Deb Rox – “Style can be simple, conservative, and devoid of florals for many women. Style can mean wearing lot of the same thing — in fact, repetition can help define a style.” In the above picture, Aung and Hillary remind me of another pair of powerful woman – Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher, prime ministers for India & United Kingdom in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Those were again two women of contrasts with influential signature styles. But then, we will talk about them in length some other time…