Student World


15% technical skills and 85% presentation skills are required to get the right job.

A job that requires an MBA degree, has all probability that the aspiring candidates appearing for the interview will all possess an MBA degree. What sets the ‘chosen one’ apart is his/her capability to portray and communicate the knowledge, skills and aptitude visually and effectively. ‘Do you look like you can manage a team and  meet your targets?’ is the main challenge.

Research shows that almost 90% of the decisions are made within the first few seconds of the interview.

Creating powerful visual impact and presenting a rich image is not only important but essential in today’s global corporate world. Rich Image helps you in branding yourself and maintaining your positive image for further growth. Conduct and appearance are subtle but real factors in successful job promotion. Understand what your body language and words are communicating. Know what your dress conveys about you.

Your students are getting the knowledge and the degrees, help them learn to project a rich image that reflects the values and wisdom your institute has instilled in them. Rich Image Brand ‘You’ workshop will not only add to your students profile but it will add brand value to your institute.

Brand ‘You’ Workshop highlights –

  • Impact of Inner Image
  • Presenting Brand ‘You’
  • Breaking the Casual Barriers of College Life
  • Dressing for Success
  • Power of Non-verbal Communication
  • Handling Social Exposure

Objective: Educate students to appear confident in speech and action, look sophisticated and act appropriately- so that your appearance will convey that you are able and willing to take on challenging roles. 

Contact Us now to start preparing your students to face the corporate world. (Individual students and student groups can also contact to register for Brand ‘You’ workshops)


A recent groundbreaking study by Harvard and Columbia economists provided concrete evidence for what we instinctually know to be true. The study followed the lives of 2.5 million kids over two decades and showed that effective teachers have a far more wide-ranging and long-lasting effect on their students’ lives than many of us realized. The teachers impacted the college-going and teen-pregnancy rates of their students, as well as their earnings potential upon graduation.

Impressions and inspirations have a 60% visual component. Appearance matters !

When you are a school teacher such luxuries as dressing casually or without any thought, are completely out of the question. Young students, their parents, school administrators, and the greater community all need to trust you to be mature, professional, capable, and competent. Outer appearance is the first indicator to these inner strengths.

Rich Teachers Workshop highlights –

  • Creating Powerful Rich Impressions
  • Impact of Inner Image
  • Appropriate and Authentic Appearance
  • Body Shape Analysis & Advice
  • Managing Relationships & Auto-Respect
  • Communication Barriers & Crossing the Bridge

The way you look directly effects the way you act or think and the response and respect that you get from others. A great teacher needs to be as aware of herself/ himself as they are of the appearance and behavior of their students.

Since every child deserves a good teacher and every teacher represents the values of the institute, we need to invest now in developing more impressive and inspiring teachers. Your teachers have the knowledge of their subject, make them aware of themselves, make them feel valued. They are your Brand Value.

Contact Us now to create a competent & influential brand image for your institute. (Individual teachers and teacher groups can also contact to register for Rich Teachers workshops).
