Brand YOU

You are one-of-a-kind.  You are your own person, and a more polished & rich image will help you communicate your value more easily, and consistently than ever before. Achieve the success and self confidence you’ve always wanted.

Imagine the feeling you had the last time someone gave you an admiring look or a wonderful compliment.

Looking great not only makes everyone admire us, but makes such a difference to our state of mind. Wearing a great outfit can instantly fill us with confidence, bring a smile on our face, improve our attitude, and give us a rich new identity. Making an effort to dress nicely and appropriately is not Vanity, it is a polite gesture to tell the people and situation involved that we respect and value them enough to make an effort. As the saying goes –

Rich Image is devoted to encourage, equip and empower you with lifestyle skills to help you project a rich impression in all areas of life that are important to you. Wanting to look your professional best at a upcoming professional presentation, to secure a career promotion, to communicate yourself as a responsible parent at PTM, to impress your guests with your hosting skills or simply to look and feel your personal best, we work with you to develop a personal brand that authentically communicates your signature style, showcase your skills and brings out a confident presence.

At Rich Image we use strategic branding guidelines with positive psychology and our experienced process that surpass limitations of self-esteem and self-expression. We empower you with the three A’s of a Rich Personal Brand –

Rich Appearance – a perfect showcase of your inner strengths in sync with your goals and roles of life; a virtual presence that is felt and applauded by your target customer.

Rich Attitude – an impressive bouquet of perfect etiquette (including social, business & dining etiquette sessions), communication expertise & sophistication.

Rich Attire – an unmatched and versatile wardrobe that meets your every need and suits you to perfection; personal brand showcased with the most authentic style that speaks of Brand You.

Rich Image solutions helps identify not only the “what” that is important for positive brand-projection, but more significantly, our approach empowers you with the “why”, as well as equips you with practical “how-to” skills for creating a powerful presence.

Working one-on-one with our expert image consultant team is the fastest way to develop the ability to present yourself in a crisp, modern, and authentic way, with our proven methods and clear steps. Book an appointment today and you’ll have a 1 on 1 session with our principal consultant, and we will appoint a team with decades of experience of crafting personal brands for “real people” just like you.
